Sarah Benson, a writer from Ink magazine interviewed me and a bunch of other great people in Kansas City on the topic of Personal Branding. It’s a good piece. She did her homework. Although, I have a bit of beef with the headline she used, which reads “Sell Yourself” (doesn’t fit right with the spirit of personal branding being authentic and not contrived …but it’s catchy, so i get it). She does however frame things well by stating, “Personal branding is becoming easier and more important as we share more online.”
Grab an issue of Ink magazine and check out the article if you’re interested.
If you’re interested, I was asked to give a presentation on Personal Branding coming up on February 9th for GenKC at the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. If you can make it, I’d like to see you there. Come say hi! They even made this fancy flier for my presentation 🙂